Worship on 1/19/25- “I Am the Light of the World”


At Christmas, we celebrate God's gift of love to the whole world in the form of a baby in a manger. But who did that baby grow up to be, and what relevance does His life hold for my life now? These are questions the Gospel of John addresses powerfully through seven "I Am" Statements of Jesus, beautiful expressions of who Jesus is and what He came to earth to do for us all.

1. I Am the Bread of Life (John 6).

2. I Am the Light of the World (John

3. I Am the Gate for the Sheep (John 10)

4. I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10)

5. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11)

6. I Am the Way, Truth, and Life (John 14)

7. I Am the True Vine (John 15)

Beginning Sunday, January 12th, these "I Am" Statements will provide the theme for our worship, Sunday School, and Wednesday night Bible Study, starting up again at 6:30 pm on January 15th (virtual and in-person). We'd love for you to join us as we continue to rejoice in God's greatest gift of love for the whole world.

Blessed by the love of God in Jesus Christ, our church answers God's call to be a blessing by helping, supporting, and reaching out towards our neighbors, as Jesus first loved us.

Join us for worship this Sunday at 11 am!


Join us for WORSHIP at 11 a.m!

Sunday School for Children and Adults Begins at 9:45 am!


ATTENTION: We are now offering our 11 am Sunday worship service both in-person and virtually via YouTube and Free Conference Call

For phone access, just dial the number 669-275-0799 to listen in on our Sunday service. No access code is needed.

The 11 am Sunday service will also be streaming through YouTube. Please like or follow us there for updates on events taking place at our church. Grace and peace to you.


146 Cornell Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15229